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2 min read
How Do I Identify Amanita Pantherina?
Venturing into the realm of mycology demands caution, especially when it involves distinguishing between closely related species like...

1 min read
Where Does Amanita Pantherina Grow?
The Amanita pantherina, commonly referred to as the Panther Cap mushroom, is renowned for its distinct appearance and prevalence across...

1 min read
Where Does Amanita Muscaria Grow?
Amanita muscaria, commonly referred to as the fly agaric, and Amanita persicina, have distinct distribution patterns. United States: The...

2 min read
How Does Amanita Muscaria Grow and Reproduce?
How Amanita Mushrooms Grow and Reproduce Amanita mushrooms undergo a complex lifecycle involving growth, reproduction, symbiotic...

1 min read
When Does Amanita Muscaria Grow?
Amanita muscaria grows in late summer to early autumn, from August through October, depending on the region and climate. In the Pacific...

2 min read
Can Amanita muscaria Be Grown Or Cultivated?
Cultivating Amanita muscaria in controlled settings is essentially impossible due to its specific ecological requirements and mycorrhizal...

2 min read
Can Amanita Muscaria Be Orange or Yellow?
Amanita muscaria, commonly known as the fly agaric, is typically recognized by its bright red cap with white spots. However, the...

6 min read
High/Hero Dosing Amanita Muscaria
Do not begin working with muscaria by high dosing. This is not like any other entheogenic substance. High dose muscimol can eat your...

8 min read
Know This Before Using Amanita
First are the warnings of the populations who should not take amanita. Anyone with a history of bipolar or schizoaffectve issues should...

4 min read
When You Get Nothing From Amanita
There are many reasons that I can find so far why people might not get anything. If you're trying to trip on it, if you want to get that...

4 min read
A Microdosing Protocol
There's several reasons why someone would want to microdose this. And one of them that I get the most questions about is if you are...

7 min read
How To Find Your Dose As you know, there is no one size fits all dose like you can more closely with psilocybin....

2 min read
The Products I Make
The items I make started out as the single smoke blend, Sweet Dreams. I created it for myself when I wanted something to help me sleep...

4 min read
Ways To Consume Amanita muscaria
The first and obvious way is going to be making a tea out of it. So if you look in the playlist tab, probably most of you have already...

7 min read
Comparing Amanita and Psilocybin
I was asked in this workshop that I did for the San Francisco Psychedelic Society to compare Psilocybin and Amanita as far as the trip is...

3 min read
Anatomy of An Amanita Ceremony
The Anatomy of an Amanita Ceremony By Amanita Dreamer This is not for tripping alone with the tea to heal inner wounds. This is a meeting...

2 min read
Is Amanita Deadly or Toxic?
So I want to talk to you about what you see on the internet about how this mushroom is deadly/toxic/poisonous/etc. The short answer is...

1 min read
Who Should Not Use A. Muscaria?
I'm not a doctor, so I'm not telling you what you can or should do. But I'm warning you based on the science that I'm reading, on who...

2 min read
What is Amanita Muscaria?
So what we've learned about this mushroom is that it affects your fight or flight system. The system that helps you be calm or puts you...

2 min read
How I Can Help You
Hello and welcome to the channel and website! Go to the FAQ page, use the search bar here. I'd say 95% of the questions I get asked are...
I go through citations, scholarly research and science about ibotenic acid and muscimol in the amanita muscaria mushroom, or fly agaric including soma, ambrosia, food of the gods. Learn how to microdose, macrodose, prepare, boil, simmer, lemon tek, take a trip dose, forage, store, buy and use amanita muscaria here. In addition, amanita muscaria helps with anxiety and panic attack healing.
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